Ugandan Vanilla,
Simply The Best!

What Makes Ugandan Vanilla So Unique?

Winston Churchill named Uganda The Pearl of Africa in 1907 because of it's natural wonders ~ Vanilla, is on the top of that list. 

Unlike other famed countries, Ugandan vanilla is known as a large, plump bean, that experts now claim is even more flavorful than others.

Uganda is one of the only land-locked producers of Vanilla in the world, so while other countries are unfortunately battling the natural disasters of hurricanes and cyclones, Uganda’s vanilla crop and vines continue to stay mature and rich in flavor.

We recently read the words of one expert in the vanilla industry who claims that “Uganda is now the origin of choice for the most discriminating baker, pastry or dessert chef…”. Ugandan Vanilla is known for it's intense ability to hold-up under severe heat which makes it the best choice for cookies. 

There are only 3 ingredients in the world that have an infinite shelf-life: Salt, Sugar, and . . . pure Vanilla Extract made from the actual Vanilla beans & alcohol.